The Narcissistic Sociopath Personality Checklist

This is what makes this man different from other men you’ve known:

·       Glib and superficial charm

·       Constant need for stimulation or chronic boredom

·       Pathological lying - Will lie and distort facts and change events to suit their own agenda

·       Appear easy-going – do not suffer guilt or remorse but rather disdain and gratification for the suffering they inflict on others

·       Shallow affect – limited range of emotions and emotional poverty despite apparent gregariousness

·       Conning through psychological manipulation – using triangulation, gaslighting and stonewalling to control their targets

This is not a normal break-up. Listen to the full description here….

Margot MacCallum, Narcissistic Abuse Counsellor Australia

Margot MacCallum is the pen-name of Professional Counsellor, Nicki Paull. Nicki is a lived-experience, qualified counsellor specialising in recovery from abuse with specialist knowledge of the Mindfulness-Based clinical interventions.


Episode 02: The Narcissistic Relationship Cycle