This blog is written for female survivors of male perpetrators.

The Compulsive Relationship Cycle of a Narcissistic Sociopath

TRIGGER WARNING: As a visitor to this site, please mentally categorise all my research, my insights and my story under the general heading of ‘opinion’. If it’s not helpful to YOU, move on. Step away from the internet and find a way to nurture yourself right now.

Every interpersonal relationship of a narcopath passes through these three phases as a repetition compulsion. You and I might have a repeating relationship pattern too, and find ourselves drawn time and again to similar types. Psychopaths, by contrast, don’t necessarily go for the same physical or personality type, but for the person who most represents what the narcopath wants right NOW.  Easily bored, and extremely impulsive, the narcopath suddenly and unexpectedly switches wives, friends, jobs, states, countries often.

He is unable to bond with his partners or experience emotional intimacy. He is, however, very good at mimicking what he observes in others as ‘good behaviour’ in a mate or that which he knows his current target is seeking. He is able to tell people exactly what they want to hear. And he can pick a trusting, honest, vulnerable target a mile off.  A natural predator, he is a man in a mask. He is the true Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde character. Not simply a veneer of inauthenticity that any of us might adopt in order to succeed socially or professionally, his is a personality disorder, hidden even from himself.


Characterised by extreme flattery, validation and adoption of the new target’s home, friends, beliefs, hobbies, habits, likes and dislikes. The narcopath is so obsessed with obtaining the thing he wants NOW that he can appear deeply in love and the target believes they have met their ‘soulmate’. For a time, she can do no wrong and the narcopath boasts about his new love very publicly (once he has successfully shed his previous skin and adopted a whole new life).


The same things that he once found attractive or desirable, he denigrates, despises and degrades. Using coercion, manipulation or control, he convinces the target to set aside her independence in favour of a mutual shared future until death. Unaware of the psychological manipulation, the target becomes isolated from a support system, suffers confusion and emotional turmoil, and physical, financial and mental degeneration.


Despite words of undying love, lustful sex, marriage vows, and an extended period of promises oaths and agreements, the entire life created by narcopath and target is suddenly and unexpectedly discarded. Homes, children, jobs, countries, social and professional networks are suddenly worthless to the narcopath in favour of the next thing he wants most NOW.


Unfathomably vain and with a deep belief in his own specialness, the narcopath will destroy the target rather then be seen to have behaved badly. He will use a deceitful smear campaign to discredit and disempower the woman he has just discarded like a worthless ‘thing’, without  remorse, but with gratification at the damage he is able to inflict on someone who loved and trusted him, whilst appearing an innocent victim himself.

No one describes the moral injury and devastation that a love relationship with a narcissistic sociopath can inflict better then Claudia Moscivisci. You are here because you are searching for ways to understand. I strongly suggest you start here…..

then here….

To understand more of what a psychopath, sociopath or malignant narcissist is, watch this:

I Am Fishhead

For the benefit of ‘official’ scientific expertise, you might prefer to check out the site of arguably the world’s foremost researcher on psychopathy…..

Margot MacCallum, Narcissistic Abuse Counsellor Australia

Margot MacCallum is the pen-name of Professional Counsellor, Nicki Paull. Nicki is a lived-experience, qualified counsellor specialising in recovery from abuse with specialist knowledge of the Mindfulness-Based clinical interventions.


Is Your Ex a Narcopath?